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Islander Kayaks

Sit on Tops made by Islander Kayaks

Islander Kayaks - Southampton Canoes

Islander Kayaks are made in the UK - Southampton Canoes can supply the entire range of Islander Kayaks, please contact us if you are looking for a model that's not listed.

islander clypso sport sit on top kayak

Islander Calypso Sport

The Islander Calypso Sport is stable and easily paddled perfect for sheltered coatline and slow moving rivers.

islander strike in lava available from southampotn canoes

Islander Strike

Sit on top touring and fishing kayak

Touring Kayaks

islander jive touring kayak

Islander Jive

Stable and well tracking entry level touring kayak. Perfect for all round general purpose use.

Southampton Canoes can supply the entire range of Islander Kayaks, the models listed above are the most popular Islander Kayaks in the UK. Please contact us on 023 8086 1341 for information on ordering in a Islander kayak.